Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kim Kim' s necklaces

Sorry for the long wait....took a little rest to recharge myself after clearing the last batch of orders. But I guessed I can't rest too long because there's new orders awaiting me!

Its exam time for primary school kids. Today should be the last paper for most schools I guess...One of the happiest girl today should be my niece, Kim Kim. Its her science papers today and also the last paper! I really pity school children nowadays. They are not like our era...My niece is in Primary 4 this year but her daily school work is more like what I have learnt during my secondary school days.

Yesterday my dad showed my niece a few pictures of drawings because she loved to draw. To our surprise, she told my dad, "Hey this is Van Gogh's paintings!"
We went dumbfounded because we never expect her to say this even though we knew her passion in arts. Kim Kim never fail to give me shocking answers like this...What was I doing when I was in Primary 4? What was I doing at that age? I am very sure I have no idea who is Van Gogh back then...I can only recalled playing Go Li (marbles), 5 stones, zero point, police and thieves, barbie dolls, going for tuition lessons and library to borrow tons and tons of books using all my family members library cards! Haahhaaaa....Yeah...I was quite a tom boy and a bookworm when I was young! Hahahaaaa..

Our younger generation will not be able to enjoy the simple childhood lifestyles and games that all of us have been through...what a pity. But on the other hand, this group of people is much smarter then us, don't you agreed?

The below pictures are necklaces done by Kim Kim. They are not for sales of course. She made it for her mummy the day before..She was supposed to be revising for her exams but NO. She did not touch any of her books. She came into my room, took all the tools and beads she wanted, made herself comfortable, started making after asking me how to go about making a necklace. Yes! She wanted to make a necklace this time but no idea how to go about making one. So I showed her mine but taught her a simple method to make it. After some verbal instruction, she proceed smoothly without much difficulties! Hmm I am really jealous of how these young kids can absorb so fast!!!

Then I asked her,"Kim, don't you have to study for your Chinese papers?" She just keep quiet and shake her head.
Her silence makes me feel the stress in young kids like her. So I let her continue with her necklace. After chatting with her for a while, I asked her, "Kim ah, you got stress a not?". She nodded her head and told me making jewelleries helped her to destress.. I asked her in a joking manner because I don't want her to take it to heart. I noticed when a public holiday is approaching, she is very cheerful and talk non stop! But if the next day is a Monday where she got to go to school, she will be very quiet...

Children can also be stressful like adults but adults may not have detect it. If you have any young children at home, do pay more attention to them. Spend more time with them.
My niece's academic results are pretty good but I noticed her results are even better when she sleeps early on the eve of her papers. Moral of the story is good quality sleep is very important and last minute studies will not help much.

I promised to post her works here so hope this will make her day when she see it later :) I think her workmanship has improved a lot! Good job, Kimberly!

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